She is a spiritual healer from past life and has experience of more than a decade on the same, she is born empath and gifted with healing power, she has been intuitive medium all through her life and focusses on the root cause of spiritual distress and help you bringing back into balance. Her major focus will be on tapping the truth, power and potential to the client. Her healing sessions can help you in discovering your inner purpose, cultivating self-awareness and sometimes uncovering psychic gifts you didn’t know you had.

She is a master channel who communicates the message of what she refers as the Communion of Light. A session with her can be especially helpful to get sense of clarity and reassurance, she can help you in getting the ancestor messages which has to be communicated to help you in all paths of life. Sessions with her are powerful tools for understanding and communicating with your inner child and feminine and masculine energies. She also offers past life regressions as she is a firm believer that some people may carry karmic wounds that could be holding back into their present lives.
